Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya

Affiliated to West Bengal State University


Tender Notice

SL No. Subject Matter Posted On Details
1Notice Inviting Quotation for Computers, Speaker and Wireless Microphone19/6/2024
2Notice Inviting Quotation for Computers and Scanner23/4/2024
3E-Tender_3rd Call is being invited for construction of rooms as per vetted building plan on 2nd floor7/2/2024
4E-tender (2nd call) for the construction of rooms.26/12/2023
5Notice Inviting Quotation Remodeling of Physical Education12/12/2023
6Notice Inviting Quotation for Epson Projector12/12/2023
7Notice Inviting Quotation for Anti Termite Measures12/12/2023
8Notice Inviting Quotation For Remodelling of Geography Lab5/12/2023
9Notice inviting Quotation for the construction of Proposed Boundary Wall plan of Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya2/12/2023
10Notice Inviting Quotation for Laptop, CC Camera, NVR and Hard Disk21/11/2023
11Notice inviting Quotation for the construction of Proposed Boundary Wall plan of Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya16/11/2023
12Notice Inviting Quotation for Laptop and Printer1/11/2023
13Notice inviting Quotation for the construction of Proposed Boundary Wall plan of Netaji Satabarshiki Mahavidyalaya1/11/2023
14E-Tender for construction of Rooms20/10/2023
15Notice Inviting Quotation for Water Cooler5/10/2023
16Notice Inviting Quotation for Water Purifier27/9/2023
17New e-tender for Computers etc22/9/2023
18New e-tender for Generator22/9/2023
19Cancellation of Published E-Tender for Computers, Laptop and Printers20/9/2023
20Cancellation of Published E-Tender for Cummins Engine20/9/2023
21Notice Inviting Quotation for AC Machine20/9/2023
22Notice Inviting Quotation for AC Machine23/8/2023
23Notice Inviting Quotation for Table Tennis Board23/8/2023
24E-Tender for Computer, Laptop and Printer20/7/2023
25E-Tender for Cummins Engine20/7/2023
26Notice Inviting Quotation for AC Machine26/6/2023
27Notice Inviting Quotation for AC Machine2/6/2023
28Notice Inviting Quotation for UPS Battery1/6/2023
29Notice Inviting Quotation for Photocopier Machine1/6/2023
30Corrigendum notice (2) for E-Tender22/5/2023
31Corrigendum notice for E-Tender15/5/2023
33INVITATION OF QUOTATIONS Diesel Generator12/5/2023
34INVITATION OF QUOTATIONS Xerox Machine12/5/2023
35INVITATION OF QUOTATIONS Computers & others pdf12/5/2023